Tag: music success

5 Ways To Make The Next 12 Months YOUR Year in Music

Here are my 5 tips to making the next 12 months your best year yet for music. 1) DON’T QUESTION –  JUST EMBRACE YOUR PASSION If music is core part of your life, it’s going to be that way for the rest of your life. Sometimes you may feel inspired, other days frustrated, but deep …

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Why You Are Good Enough – Reason #1: Your Passion for Music

In my last post I listed “10 Excuses Musicians Make” that block their success in music. In this new series of posts, I’m going to tell you the reasons why you are good enough, starting with: 1. YOUR PASSION FOR MUSIC Have you ever met someone who really doesn’t enjoy their job? Maybe it was …

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What’s Your Best Excuse?

When I was first starting out making music, I used to come up with a raft of reasons (excuses?) for why things weren’t happening. In coaching hundreds of musicians, I’ve noticed this is the Number 1 “Success Blocker”  for musicians. Take a look at the following list and let me know which of the following …

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The 7 Secrets to Success in Music

I am really excited to announce the launch of my latest course “The 7 Secrets to Success in Music“. It’s a seven week video course helping you create your unique road-map to reach your true potential in music. If you are looking to get your music on the world stage, this course is for you. …

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