Professional Song Feedback

Professional Song Feedback

Get detailed feedback on your tracks by music industry professional and leading music coach, Mark Desvaux.

Submit your music to Mark and receive recorded feedback (as an MP3 audio file – typically 20+ minutes) in just 7 days or less.

No Risk: 30 days full-money back guarantee if you are not 100% satisfied.

First Track Special Offer $147 $47 (approx £30) per track (Limited time offer).

Please submit your track below:

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Track Name (required)

    Artist / Band Name


    What do you hope to achieve with this track?

    Is there any specific feedback you are looking for?

    Please enter any additional information here

    YOUR TRACK - Please add a link to your track online e.g. Soundcloud (preferred) or attach your MP3

    Link to Track



    Upload Your Track (MP3 format only please)

    After pressing submit please:
    PAY HERE for First Track                                  $47

    PAY HERE for Second & Subsequent Tracks $147
