Ask Music Life Coach: “Promoter, Publicist or Manager?”

Micheal asks: “What’s more important to get wider exposure for your music? A promoter, publicist, or a manager?”

Music Life Coach says: From my experience it starts with your Vision and everything leads from there. One of the biggest mistakes most musicians make is they create the music and then gamble everything on someone externally making it happen for them.

– A Promoter is great but often you can go a long way (and do a better job) promoting your music yourself (without the cost).

– A Publicist is great, if they really feel your music (and not just say they feel it, because they like the to feel your money!) You also need to land some pretty major reviews or industry quotes to really make this pay. You can waste a lot of money going down this route if you are not careful.

– A top Manager typically approaches you. When acts start to rise up they’ll hit the radars of the top managers. Know who you’d like to manage you and do everything to hit their radar, but let them come to you…

For more tips, get your free copy of “The 10 Mistakes Musicians Make” here:

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  • niema says:

    i want to get my music on tv but how i am 8

    • Mark Desvaux says:

      Hi Niema,
      Thank you for your question. Well, it is never too young to start. I always recommend people to begin by mixing their music to some videos they find online. This way you can start to put together a “show reel”. A show reel demonstrates how your music works on the screen (“to picture”), and helps to convince the people who make the all-important decisions of what music to use during shows, commercials and film scenes. Eventually you will want to put together a web site to showcase your music to picture, as well as send videos to those people that make the decisions. Part of the challenge can be finding and making contact with those people, but it’s always possible. Look out for a video on soon where I talk in detail about how to get your music on TV and film. Good luck! Mark

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