Submit Your Music

If you have come to this page, you will have seen an opportunity I have posted requesting music for a specific film, TV show, trailer or game.

Please submit your track below. Ensure the Soundcloud link you send has download enabled. You can set up a private link on Soundcloud to do this if you don’t want your track open to the public to download.

Terms of Submitting:
1) By completing this form, you agree to give me permission to pitch the track to opportunities in Film, TV, Trailer, Games and other Syncs.
2) You confirm that NO samples have been used in this track.
3) You confirm you have full copyright of this track.
4) If your track is selected, I will contact you with details of the deal and license fee you will receive. Please wait to hear from me (if you haven’t heard within 4 weeks please assume it wasn’t successful on this occasion).
5) You will retain full ownership of your track.
6) Before submitting please LIKE Music Life Coach on Facebook so I have another route to contact you.

Note: You will also be added to the Music Life Coach email list for news and future opportunities. You can unsubscribe at any time.



